QNX - Nutrino FileSystem Drivers

We have developed drivers for QNX for years. We have filesystem
drivers for our EIDE and SCIS filesystem drivers for our caching/RAID

These drivers work for all versions of QNX 4.xx (4.23 was the last
version supported) using the filesystem “DCL_” interface. Does anyone
know how we make our drivers work with Nutrino?

I asked a few weeks ago and was put off for a while.
Maybe in a few months they will release the specs.
I was told that interface was still in flux.

Previously, M Eby wrote in qdn.public.porting:

We have developed drivers for QNX for years. We have filesystem
drivers for our EIDE and SCIS filesystem drivers for our caching/RAID

These drivers work for all versions of QNX 4.xx (4.23 was the last
version supported) using the filesystem “DCL_” interface. Does anyone
know how we make our drivers work with Nutrino?

Mitchell Schoenbrun --------- maschoen@pobox.com

Mitchell Schoenbrun <maschoen@pobox.com> wrote:

I asked a few weeks ago and was put off for a while.
Maybe in a few months they will release the specs.
I was told that interface was still in flux.

The interface is still in flux. There will be a disk driver DDK when we are
satisfied that it is reasonably stable.