I’m having some troubles with writing PCI board interrupt handler.
I found PCI device, map its base address in the main routine and have no problem
to work with it (using CA_PCI functions)
However, when I set up interrupt handler for the IRQ line device occupies I
can no longer access board using this base address. Interrupt handler itself runs
fine, I trace it down with ll_debug() insertion and Debugger32. Certainly, base
address seems to be correct inside the handler.
Does anybody know a good source to get sources of working example of PCI driver
with interrupt support (say, for network card)?
Does interrupt processing for PCI device require some extra efforts comparing
to ISA one?
One good example would solve this problem, but I search all QNX site through
and haven’t found one.
(reply-to: a-l-e-x-@-u-e-i-d-a-q-.-c-o-m ← Please remove dashes!)
Alex Ivchenko, Ph.D.
United Electronic Industries, Inc.
“The High-Performance Alternative ™”
10 Dexter Avenue
Watertown, Massachusetts 02472
Tel: (617) 924-1155 x 222 Fax: (617) 924-1441