I’ve installed X Windows on a machine running QNX 4.25. It seems,
though, that when I’m in X Windows, the right half of my keyboard
doesn’t seem to work (i.e. arrow keys, home, end, pgup, pgdn, keypad
with numlock off), although it works when I’m just in plain QNX. When I
hit these keys, the computer just beeps at me and outputs something else
(for instance, ‘A’ for the up arrow).
I’ve verified that the computer is recognizing the keystrokes with xev,
and it seems all the keys are mapped correctly (after comparing
keytables with other computers in my lab that work correctly). I’ve
mapped the arrows to working keysyms, and then they’ll function fine as
those keys. So I guess the problem is that X Windows doesn’t recognize
the command that was assigned to those keys, such as “Up,” “Down,” etc.
Although, strangely enough, they work fine when I use vi in X Windows.
Does anyone have any suggestions to getting these keys to work?
Phil Tang <ptang@mit.edu> wrote:
I’ve installed X Windows on a machine running QNX 4.25. It seems,
though, that when I’m in X Windows, the right half of my keyboard
doesn’t seem to work (i.e. arrow keys, home, end, pgup, pgdn, keypad
with numlock off), although it works when I’m just in plain QNX. When I
hit these keys, the computer just beeps at me and outputs something else
(for instance, ‘A’ for the up arrow).
Does anyone have any suggestions to getting these keys to work?
I assume you mean in a terminal window, in Xwindows, right?
Are you using an xterm or the QNX shell thingy?
Is your TERM environment variable set properly (to xterm)?
I also have this in my .shrc:
if test “$TERM” = “xterm”
stty load
stty erase=^H
Try the “stty load” and then see if everything works. If so, you may
want to add the above to your .shrc. (or .kshrc if you use that, or to
whatever your $ENV environment variable points at if something different
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