determine the state of the socket

how do i check for the socket’s state? wether it is still connected …pl

ran zhang <> wrote:

how do i check for the socket’s state? wether it is still connected …pl

You can send/receive some keepalive messages over the socket, if your
application allows this.

I do not know about something better.

It depends on what kind of state you want. You can’t really querry a socket
and find out if the remote side is still actively comminicating. A
heatbeat, is the most common method of detecting if someone has dropped off
the face of the earth (client).


QNX Software Systems Ltd.
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With a PC, I always felt limited by the software available.
On Unix, I am limited only by my knowledge.
–Peter J. Schoenster <>
“ran zhang” <> wrote in message

how do i check for the socket’s state? wether it is still connected …pl