Serial Line Debugging..

I am having problem trying to debug a embedded system(On intel platform)
through serial port.I have checked the Cable.I have set the baud rates at
both the target and Host to 57600 baud.The following is what i am doing.

  1. On target machine

pdebug -v /dev/ser1,57600 &

  1. On host machine
    (gdb) target qnx /dev/ser1
    (The Host machine has serial port set to 57600 baud)
    At this point i get messages like
    " Timeout in midpacket -retrying.
    : MsgNak received - resending"
    It continues for three times and then quits.

Can somebody tell me if anything is missing from the following steps to
achieve Remote debugging over a serial line

Any help is greatly appreciated.
