QNX port for vsnprintf asprintf

I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is port for vsnprintf and
to QNX4 that someone has used. Watcom doesn’t seem to have equivalents
I know that they are GNU extensions.

Thanks in advance.


Alk Kwaritzmi wrote:

I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is port for vsnprintf
and asprintf
to QNX4 that someone has used. Watcom doesn’t seem to have equivalents
I know that they are GNU extensions.

Thanks in advance.

Watcom 10.6B, from stdio.h:

— cut —
extern int
_bprintf(char *__buf, unsigned int __bufsize, const char *__fmt, …);

extern int
_vbprintf(char *__s, unsigned int __bufsize, const char *__format, __va_list

#ifndef snprintf
#define snprintf _bprintf
#endif /* snprintf */

#ifndef vsnprintf
#define vsnprintf _vbprintf
#endif /* vsnprintf */
— cut —

// wbr

so I guess there is no WATCOM string functions that allocate memory
automatically such as



vasprintf ()
