X11 with or without scitech

still looking for a possiblity to get X11 running with Chips+Technologies
69000 graphics (works on photon)!
Tricks like copying scitech monitor.dbx and nodeXX-directory around did not
work, getmodes
crashes, sddmodes and gatest do not bring any results… HELP!!

Patrick Pfister <patrick.pfister@pup.ch> wrote:

still looking for a possiblity to get X11 running with Chips+Technologies
69000 graphics (works on photon)!
Tricks like copying scitech monitor.dbx and nodeXX-directory around did not
work, getmodes
crashes, sddmodes and gatest do not bring any results… HELP!!

try the xfree86 (www.xfree86.org), binary for qnx4 can be downloaded
at openqnx site.