Auto negotiation bug in speedo.

There was a posting earlier mentioning an autonegotiation bug in the
speedo driver,causing it to run slowly.I tried to hard code the parameters
of the speed and duplex mode using the options speed=100 duplex=1(full
duplex).But I notice that initially the nicinfo shows 100 Mbps but after few
seconds it goes back to 10Mbps(I have connected the nic to a 10Base
hub).That leads me to believe that the autonegotiation CANNOT be disabled.Is
my judgement right? Can somebody confirm or deny this? Also any other update
on the Fix for the autonegotiation bug.( I cannot use the existing fix cause
i need to use multicast)



Sreekanth <> wrote:

There was a posting earlier mentioning an autonegotiation bug in the
speedo driver,causing it to run slowly.I tried to hard code the parameters
of the speed and duplex mode using the options speed=100 duplex=1(full
duplex).But I notice that initially the nicinfo shows 100 Mbps but after few
seconds it goes back to 10Mbps(I have connected the nic to a 10Base
hub).That leads me to believe that the autonegotiation CANNOT be disabled.Is
my judgement right? Can somebody confirm or deny this?

Yes. The speedo driver doesn’t autonegotiation correctly and you cannot
use the command line args to force a media rate.

Also any other update
on the Fix for the autonegotiation bug.( I cannot use the existing fix cause
i need to use multicast)

The 6.2 speedo driver works better with autonegotiation, so you could try
out the 6.2 beta software. Otherwise you should talk to your sales

Kirk Russell Bridlewood Software Testers Guild