ipconfig /all equivalant command

I was wondering if there is a QNX 6.2 equivalent command to the
windows command “ipconfig /all”
I found netstat - but I need to be able to check the MAC address of
the NIC in my machine & I don’t know how to verify that from the
machine in question. My current method is to ping the ip for the
machine in question from a different machine and then do an arp -a
I would like to be able to find the MAC from the machine in question
directly though. Any help or direction to documentation would be



netstat -in

ifconfig -a

nicinfo /dev/io-net/en0


mechlab@nospam.me.wisc.edu wrote:

I was wondering if there is a QNX 6.2 equivalent command to the
windows command “ipconfig /all”
I found netstat - but I need to be able to check the MAC address of
the NIC in my machine & I don’t know how to verify that from the
machine in question. My current method is to ping the ip for the
machine in question from a different machine and then do an arp -a
I would like to be able to find the MAC from the machine in question
directly though. Any help or direction to documentation would be

