USB Reset?


we want to program the Device Firmware Upgrade(DFU) which is describe in the a USB Class Specification.
In this Specification the talk about a “USB Reset” that the Host issues to a device to start the download.
Now my question, how can I generate this USB Reset to a device with the QNX RtP USB Stack?

Thank you.

Hermann Leenings

Hermann Leenings <> wrote:


we want to program the Device Firmware Upgrade(DFU) which is describe in the a USB Class Specification.
In this Specification the talk about a “USB Reset” that the Host issues to a device to start the download.
Now my question, how can I generate this USB Reset to a device with the QNX RtP USB Stack?

The stack currently doesn’t have an api for reseting devices. I will try
to add this functionality for the next ddk.