Porting custom PhAB widgets from QNX 4.25 to QNX 6

Hi all,

Has anyone successfully ported a custom widget made using PhAB/Photon
under QNX 4.25 to QNX 6? The code part ported OK and compiled, but the
…pal and .wgtp files could not be placed in /usr/photon/appbuilder and
work correctly. I tried rebuilding these files too with no luck.
Anytime I open a dialog that contains one of the these custom widgets,
PhAB crashes. They also don’t appear on the Widgets tab (the interface
for PhAB changed drastically and no longer lets you modify the widget
toolbar since it isn’t a toolbar anymore, either).

Any help would be appreciated.


Oh also, the help documentation doesn’t mention this ability anymore so
does that mean it has been completely removed? I played with the
templates that PhAB has now, but don’t like them. They are just a
shortcut for plopping groups of widgets in your application, you still
have to handle the code for each one individually instead of treating it
like a real widget.


Rob Davidson wrote:

Hi all,

Has anyone successfully ported a custom widget made using PhAB/Photon
under QNX 4.25 to QNX 6? The code part ported OK and compiled, but the
.pal and .wgtp files could not be placed in /usr/photon/appbuilder and
work correctly. I tried rebuilding these files too with no luck.
Anytime I open a dialog that contains one of the these custom widgets,
PhAB crashes. They also don’t appear on the Widgets tab (the interface
for PhAB changed drastically and no longer lets you modify the widget
toolbar since it isn’t a toolbar anymore, either).

Any help would be appreciated.
