QNX 6.3.0 installation on Dell GX270

I have been attepting to install QNX 6.3.0 on to a Dell GX270. This computer has a SATA drive. I can boot QNX from the CD happily. The installation on to the hard drive appears to work as I don’t get any errors. Before the install I wiped the partion table clean and then installed QNX to 1/8th of the drive. This became partion 1. I also installed the QNX boot loader.

When booted normally (QNX boot loader boots from partition 1) it detects the EIDE and then starts scanning for devices. At this point it hangs.

When booted in verbose mode (press space bar then F6) the last entry I see before it hangs is "tcpip starting /Using pseudo random generator. See “random"option”. (Is this 2 entries separated by the “/”?)

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Perhaps I’m having the same problem trying to start QNX 6.3 on an Amilo laptop.
I had to disable network drivers to start QNX (F12 + F2) because I had the same problems with QNX hanging at the start.

Of course now I’m able to start QNX but only lika a standalone laptop ( a really standalone with no network because if I try to “io-net” the ethernet driver QNX totally hangs and I have to use the “classic” method power off- power on …

Hope that someone else can help us … :slight_smile: