We recently upgraded the memory on a PC-104 board from 16 MB to 32 MB.
If we leave the BIOS settings at 16 MB, the system boots up as usual (of
course the new memory is not available either – or is it?).
If we adjust the BIOS settings to take into account the new memory,
then upon a cold restart (power up) the system hangs after
displaying the “starting QNX” message.
On a warm reset, the system gets to that point, then spits out a dump,
which goes as follows:
Version: 4.25J Sep 09 1999 Technical Support: +1 (613) 591-0941
Proc fault 1, ldt 100 /boot/sys/Proc32; fault 0+0
cs:eip=5:5493 ss:esp=d:f7c0fd0 efl=2246 ds=d fs=0 gs=0
eax/4 ebx/f7c0fd0 ecx/37fa edx/0 esi/5965 edi/0 ebp/f7c0fe0
Stack (d:f7c0fd0)
Process entry (addr 6050)
<process table dump?>
Can anyone tell me if this gives any real hint as to why this system
crashes with more memory aboard?
Is there some simple way of bypassing the BIOS setings, so
that a memory diagnostic can be run on the upper 16 MB of memory,
even if the BIOS is set to 16 (not 32) ?
Any other potentially helpful comments?
Richard B.