

I need to use several audio cards in one system - my intention is to use
about eight audio cards on PCI bus. I would like to know if is it possible
under QNX neutrino. If yes, what is the max. number?


Svatopluk Miller

Svatopluk Miller <> wrote:
SM > Hi,

SM > I need to use several audio cards in one system - my intention is to use
SM > about eight audio cards on PCI bus. I would like to know if is it possible
SM > under QNX neutrino. If yes, what is the max. number?

SM > Thanks,

SM > Svatopluk Miller

I worked for a company that developed pro-audio products. We
developed an 8 stereo channel (or 16 mono channel) PCI card. Each
channel was capable of playing two streams concurrently. The card
was also capable of recording on two of the stereo channels. It
supported many formats, sample rates and media rates.

That product is now discontinued. But I know that they are sitting on
a substancial inventory of these cards. The driver was written in
QNX4. It is a crappy driver and there is no documentation for it.
But the card works. I have had up to three of these in a single CPU all
playing at the same time.

The hard part is that the card is a full size card that extends down to
the mother board for most of it’s length. So that you can’t use it if
there are chips or capacitors on the motherboard in the way.

If you think you might be interested, I’ll see if I can aquire a few of
these for you.

BTW, all of the audio is done outside of the CPU box. There is a fat
cable going from this card to an external 19" rack mount box with XLR
connectors for all of the in’s and outs. If you want digital ins and
outs, that is another 19" rack mount external box that piggy backs to
the first one.

Bill Caroselli – Q-TPS Consulting
1-(708) 308-4956 <== Note: New Number

“Svatopluk Miller” <> wrote in message


I need to use several audio cards in one system - my intention is to use
about eight audio cards on PCI bus. I would like to know if is it possible
under QNX neutrino. If yes, what is the max. number?

I don’t think QNX has anylimit, but a motherboard with 8 PCI will be a
problem to find.

If you do find one, it will have a PCI bridge, which may not be supported by
QNX (I beleive it depends on the BIOS)


Svatopluk Miller