Installing QNX6.2.1NC under Windows

Hello all,

My QNX installation adventure continues :slight_smile:

I have now discovered that there may be a way around QNX6.2.1 not
recognising all my RAM - by installing it as a file under Windows, and
passing the /M64 option to loadqnx.sys.

However, I cannot find a way to install the 6.2.1NC release to a file
under Windows. Under 6.1.0, there was a “qnxrtp.exe” file that installed
to a hardfile under Windows. This does not seem to exist on the 6.2.1
ISO image. Booting from the 6.2.1 CD gives the option to install to a
file under Windows - but on selecting it, it reports that the CD is not
used for this. There is nothing in the included docs that give a hint as
to how I might do this.

So… Is it possible to install 6.2.1NC as a file in Windows, as in
previous versions - or, failing that, is it possible to install a basic
6.1.0, and then upgrade to 6.2.1 ? I see that it is possible to upgrade
to 6.2.0, but there is no specific mention I can see of upgrading to
6.2.1 although I presume it should be OK.

Many thanks for any advice or pointers,


Mark Round wrote:

However, I cannot find a way to install the 6.2.1NC release to a file
under Windows. Under 6.1.0, there was a “qnxrtp.exe” file that installed
to a hardfile under Windows. This does not seem to exist on the 6.2.1
ISO image.

Forgot to say - I meant that when I open the CD under Windows, there is
no installer tool to install to a partition - just a DemoShield window
that pops up offering to make a bootable floppy, or let me view the
on-disk documentation.


However, I cannot find a way to install the 6.2.1NC release to a file
under Windows. Under 6.1.0, there was a “qnxrtp.exe” file that installed
to a hardfile under Windows. This does not seem to exist on the 6.2.1
ISO image. Booting from the 6.2.1 CD gives the option to install to a
file under Windows - but on selecting it, it reports that the CD is not
used for this. There is nothing in the included docs that give a hint as
to how I might do this.

That is because you cannot. It is no longer supported. If you want to
run 6.2.1 you will have to install into a partition.


Chris McKillop <> “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”
Software Engineer, QSSL – Lewis Carroll –