Problem with math.h

We have a program that has the next instruction:


and we first compile in V6 (version 6) compiler, but we move to a computer
that has the V6.1 (version 6.1) compiler and it marks error, saying that
floor and pow are not defined, I don’t know if the math.h library chances or
if ain’t define correctly the functions (pow and floor). Does anyone can
help me with this thing?



Armando Garza <> wrote:
AG > We have a program that has the next instruction:

AG > floor(pow(10,9)*25)

AG > and we first compile in V6 (version 6) compiler, but we move to a computer
AG > that has the V6.1 (version 6.1) compiler and it marks error, saying that
AG > floor and pow are not defined, I don’t know if the math.h library chances or
AG > if ain’t define correctly the functions (pow and floor). Does anyone can
AG > help me with this thing?

AG > greetings

AG > armando

Check the defines that are in effect when math.h gets included.
Or, preprocess your source.