timer_timeout() and InterruptWait()


I wrote an application that use an interrupt. The thread is block with
InterruptWait(), this section is working fine. But now I want to add a
timeout so I set timer_timeout() with event SIGEV_UNBLOCK (I also try SIGEV_
INTR) and the flag _NTO_TIMEOUT_INTR but there is no timeout generated.
Which event and flag should I used?

Thanks for your help,

“Sylvain” <sjalbert@gietech.com> wrote in message


I wrote an application that use an interrupt. The thread is block with
InterruptWait(), this section is working fine. But now I want to add a
timeout so I set timer_timeout() with event SIGEV_UNBLOCK (I also try
INTR) and the flag _NTO_TIMEOUT_INTR but there is no timeout generated.
Which event and flag should I used?

You don’t need to specify an event (it’s unblock by default), I never
tried it but it should work :wink: Can you post your code.

Thanks for your help,