How do I add a (new) source file in appbuilder 1.14 ?
thanks in advance
Per Åkesson
Carmenta AB
How do I add a (new) source file in appbuilder 1.14 ?
thanks in advance
Per Åkesson
Carmenta AB
Per Akesson wrote:
How do I add a (new) source file in appbuilder 1.14 ?
Add the .c to indSfiles and the .o to indOfiles. For more details, see
Programmer’s Guide (“Including non-PhAB files in your application” in
“Generating, Compiling, & Running Code”).
Wojtek Lerch wrote:
Per Akesson wrote:
How do I add a (new) source file in appbuilder 1.14 ?Add the .c to indSfiles and the .o to indOfiles. For more details, see
Programmer’s Guide (“Including non-PhAB files in your application” in
“Generating, Compiling, & Running Code”).
Thanks, works like a charm.
Per Åkesson
Carmenta AB