I would need some help for using PCMCIA IDE Flash with qnx4. Device
itself is SanDisk Compact flash with PC Card adapter. I found this:
Unfortunately pin does not show any IO-addr & IRQ values. Pin output
for that device is:
Sock Win Type Flags PID Base Size IRQ …
2 0 Memory C—M---------W None - -
(Hand-written, so may be bit inaccurate, but information is same.
I tried to boot to linux & look values there, but those values did not
work, no eide device found there. (Tried IO 0x100 & 0x10e)
System is 4.25E, should it be something else?
M. Tavasti / tavasti@iki.fi / +358-40-5078254
Have you added this device to your /etc/config/pcmcia.cards file?
“M. Tavasti” <tavastixx@iki.fi.invalid> wrote in message
I would need some help for using PCMCIA IDE Flash with qnx4. Device
itself is SanDisk Compact flash with PC Card adapter. I found this:
Unfortunately pin does not show any IO-addr & IRQ values. Pin output
for that device is:
Sock Win Type Flags PID Base Size IRQ …
2 0 Memory C—M---------W None - -
(Hand-written, so may be bit inaccurate, but information is same.
I tried to boot to linux & look values there, but those values did not
work, no eide device found there. (Tried IO 0x100 & 0x10e)
System is 4.25E, should it be something else?
M. Tavasti / > tavasti@iki.fi > / +358-40-5078254
“Hugh Brown” <hsbrown@qnx.com> writes:
itself is SanDisk Compact flash with PC Card adapter. I found this:
Have you added this device to your /etc/config/pcmcia.cards file?
No, what to add there?
M. Tavasti / tavastixx@iki.fi / +358-40-5078254
Poista sähköpostiosoitteesta molemmat x-kirjaimet
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With the card inserted in the socket do a ‘pin con >>
/etc/config/pcmcia.cards’, then slay Pcmcia.generic and re-start it as
‘Pcmcia.generic -i0’. You should now see your device correctly with ‘pin’.
“M. Tavasti” <tavastixx@iki.fi.invalid> wrote in message
“Hugh Brown” <> hsbrown@qnx.com> > writes:
itself is SanDisk Compact flash with PC Card adapter. I found this:
Have you added this device to your /etc/config/pcmcia.cards file?
No, what to add there?
M. Tavasti / > tavastixx@iki.fi > / +358-40-5078254
Poista sähköpostiosoitteesta molemmat x-kirjaimet
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“Hugh Brown” <hsbrown@qnx.com> writes:
With the card inserted in the socket do a ‘pin con
/etc/config/pcmcia.cards’, then slay Pcmcia.generic and re-start it as
‘Pcmcia.generic -i0’. You should now see your device correctly with ‘pin’.
Didn’t help.
pin con only adds these lines:
; socket 2
register = 0, 0x40, 0x40 ; level mode interrupts
And apparently this is not enough…
M. Tavasti / tavastixx@iki.fi / +358-40-5078254
Poista sähköpostiosoitteesta molemmat x-kirjaimet
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Please can you post the output from ‘pin cis’?
“M. Tavasti” <tavastixx@iki.fi.invalid> wrote in message
“Hugh Brown” <> hsbrown@qnx.com> > writes:
With the card inserted in the socket do a ‘pin con
/etc/config/pcmcia.cards’, then slay Pcmcia.generic and re-start it as
‘Pcmcia.generic -i0’. You should now see your device correctly with
Didn’t help.
pin con only adds these lines:
; socket 2
register = 0, 0x40, 0x40 ; level mode interrupts
And apparently this is not enough…
M. Tavasti / > tavastixx@iki.fi > / +358-40-5078254
Poista sähköpostiosoitteesta molemmat x-kirjaimet
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“Hugh Brown” <hsbrown@qnx.com> writes:
Please can you post the output from ‘pin cis’?
Socket : 2
pin con only adds these lines:
; socket 2
register = 0, 0x40, 0x40 ; level mode interrupts
M. Tavasti / tavastixx@iki.fi / +358-40-5078254
Poista sähköpostiosoitteesta molemmat x-kirjaimet
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There has got to be something wrong here! There should be more output than
this! Have you tried changing the memory address in your
/etc/config/pcmcia.cfg file? The default is 0xd4000, but some machines have
BIOS is this area. Please also post the output from ‘show_pci -vv’.
“M. Tavasti” <tavastixx@iki.fi.invalid> wrote in message
“Hugh Brown” <> hsbrown@qnx.com> > writes:
Please can you post the output from ‘pin cis’?
Socket : 2
pin con only adds these lines:
; socket 2
register = 0, 0x40, 0x40 ; level mode interrupts
M. Tavasti / > tavastixx@iki.fi > / +358-40-5078254
Poista sähköpostiosoitteesta molemmat x-kirjaimet
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I should add that you must slay and re-start Pcmcia.generic every time you
change the address in the pcmcia.cfg file.
“Hugh Brown” <hsbrown@qnx.com> wrote in message
There has got to be something wrong here! There should be more output than
this! Have you tried changing the memory address in your
/etc/config/pcmcia.cfg file? The default is 0xd4000, but some machines
BIOS is this area. Please also post the output from ‘show_pci -vv’.
“M. Tavasti” <> tavastixx@iki.fi.invalid> > wrote in message
news:> m2d69iy9v4.fsf@akvavitix.vuovasti.com> …
“Hugh Brown” <> hsbrown@qnx.com> > writes:
Please can you post the output from ‘pin cis’?
Socket : 2
pin con only adds these lines:
; socket 2
register = 0, 0x40, 0x40 ; level mode interrupts
M. Tavasti / > tavastixx@iki.fi > / +358-40-5078254
Poista sähköpostiosoitteesta molemmat x-kirjaimet
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