QNX Momentics bash Command Shell


I am usin the default bash shell in QNX Momentics on Windows.
When I start the shell, I get the following promp:


I would like to change command promp to something more useful like this:
user_name@/usr/bin >

To obtain this, I normally update my .profile file in QNX with this line:
export PS1=’id -nu @$PWD> ’

but I cannot file any .profile file when using QNX Momentics on Windows.
Is there any .profile file available? (maybe .bash_profiule?)
Where this file should be located?


Maxime Barbeau

Maxime Barbeau wrote:

but I cannot file any .profile file when using QNX Momentics on Windows.
Is there any .profile file available? (maybe .bash_profiule?)
Where this file should be located?

I’m using ‘.profile’ in my home directory, I guess, it
should be executable, to work properly.



Karsten P. Hoffmann <karsten.p.hoffmann@web.de>
“I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound
they make as they go flying by.”
[In memoriam Douglas Adams, 1952-2001]