Ethernet does not Work


Im using an AMD PCNET 32 PCI Ethernet card. It works well on any OS even on
QNX 6.2.1.
But on 6.3 i can’t get it working.

io-net -d pcnet tells me that ‘function is not implemented’
sloginfo tell me ’ device is not coming out of restart’

Can someone help me?


  • Thomas

I want to add: I tried 3 different hardware revisions of the card - they did
not work, too!

“Thomas Mausbach” <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


Im using an AMD PCNET 32 PCI Ethernet card. It works well on any OS even
QNX 6.2.1.
But on 6.3 i can’t get it working.

io-net -d pcnet tells me that ‘function is not implemented’
sloginfo tell me ’ device is not coming out of restart’

Can someone help me?


  • Thomas