Horizontal and Vertical Scrolling in ListBox


I’m using QNX Momentics 6.2.1 with Photon.

My Requirement is that I 've created a List Box using Photon Application
Builder. From my timer callback code, I wanted to write the items in the
list box. I tried using PtListAddItems and was successful.

Now, I want to horizontally and vertically scroll my list box. Since list
box has only vertical scrolling, I wanted to add horizontal scrolling
also. I’ve placed this list box inside a Scroll container and have enabled
the horizontal scrolling of the Scroll Container and have disabled the
vertical scrolling. But, I 'm unable to do proper scrolling in both
directions. I want the application to look like a spreadsheet or something
like flexgrid with horz and vert scrolling.

Can anyone suggest a solution ?
