Motif for QNX4

To Whom It May Concern,

Dear Sir,

We installed XFree86 4.2 in order to start porting our older X applications to QNX4 which is chosen for our new project. X-lib functions do work, but applications that use Motif do not. Is it right that OSF/Motif is not included in XFree86? If so, could you advise what to do to resolve the problem?


Vladimir Mogilevkin

SPb, Russia

OSF/Motif is a commercial application. You have to pay money
to purchase the source code. Once you have the source code, it
requires some minimal effort to get it compile for QNX 4.

If you don’t have the money to spend, your other choice is to
use the free alternative called “Lesstif”.

Good luck!


On Wed, 10 Mar 2004, [koi8-r] ÷ÌÁÄÉÍÉÒ íÏÇÉÌÅ×ËÉÎ wrote:

To Whom It May Concern,

Dear Sir,

We installed XFree86 4.2 in order to start porting our older X applications to QNX4 which is chosen for our new project. X-lib functions do work, but applications that use Motif do not. Is it right that OSF/Motif is not included in XFree86? If so, could you advise what to do to resolve the problem?


Vladimir Mogilevkin

SPb, Russia

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