newbie question


I installed the qnx momentum on a win 2k machine

I want to test a simple hello world program but i see no way how.
The IDE lets me compile and link the program.

I seem to have a target board with qnx on it, but i see no way in the IDE
to create a target system that boots qnx.
(i have a spare PC that i could use)

Maybe i need to download some more, or do i need a target PC with linux on
it ?

The QNX docs seem to be for experts only i think.

Any help appreciated before my 30 days eval period expires.


Sagaert Johan <> wrote:


I installed the qnx momentum on a win 2k machine

I want to test a simple hello world program but i see no way how.
The IDE lets me compile and link the program.

I seem to have a target board with qnx on it, but i see no way in the IDE
to create a target system that boots qnx.

In the IDE, look at the QNX System Builder perspective.

(i have a spare PC that i could use)

Or, boot the spare PC from the Neutrino install CD, and install
to it – but don’t select the install of development components,
and you’ve (basically) installed a run-time (that is target) QNX
Neutrino system.


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David Gibbs
QNX Training Services