Nand Flash FileSystem Driver

Hi all.

Just looking to gauge the level of interest in a NAND Flash filesystem driver. We have developed a driver here which is currently in beta, based on Rob Krten’s tarfs and Linux YAFFS, for one of our own Geode-based boards. We’ve also implemented a compatible NAND flash bootrom extension. If there is sufficient interest, I may clean these up and offer them around.

Let me know if you’re interested, and some details of the system you would be implementing it in.

Stuart Harding
Embedded Software Engineer
Intellidesign Pty Ltd

Hi all.

Due to licensing issues, this driver cannot be made available.

Stuart Harding

Stuart Harding wrote:

Hi all.

Just looking to gauge the level of interest in a NAND Flash filesystem
driver. We have developed a driver here which is currently in beta,
based on Rob Krten’s tarfs and Linux YAFFS, for one of our own
Geode-based boards. We’ve also implemented a compatible NAND flash
bootrom extension. If there is sufficient interest, I may clean these
up and offer them around.

Let me know if you’re interested, and some details of the system you
would be implementing it in.

Stuart Harding
Embedded Software Engineer
Intellidesign Pty Ltd