mqueue max message size


Does anyone know what the max message size for mqueue messages is?

For some reason I am not able to make them bigger than 2124bytes even though
I set the size much bigger when opening mqueue!

I’m running QNX4.25

Thanks for any help


Lars Skade <> wrote:


Does anyone know what the max message size for mqueue messages is?

For some reason I am not able to make them bigger than 2124bytes even though
I set the size much bigger when opening mqueue!

They shouldn’t be limitted to that. In fact, I’d expect the
default size, if you didn’t set one, would be 4K (4096 bytes).

I’m running QNX4.25

Can you post your mq_open() and mq_send()/mq_receive [or write()/read()]
calls that are not giving as much data as expected?


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David Gibbs
QNX Training Services