Obtaining size of reply message from MsgSend

How do you get the number of bytes received in a MsgSend?
You specify the receive buffer size, but the MsgReply
may send less data.

John Nagle

John Nagle wrote:

How do you get the number of bytes received in a MsgSend?
You specify the receive buffer size, but the MsgReply
may send less data.

Typically with the return value of MsgSend. Which is the
‘status’ parameter to the MsgReply. Consider the cases of
something like read() or write(), which are just simple
covers on top of MsgSend. The server side uses _RESMGR_STATUS
to set this up for its MsgReply. This value now is the return
value of the read()/write() call. In other cases this value
would be encoded into the message itself (like the ‘nbytes’
field of an IO_DEVCTL message).