how to use PtGenListAddItems

I didn’t find how to use PtGenListAddItems.
I try to do:

typedef struct line_item_s {
PtGenListItem_t gen_list_item;
char line[1024];

line_item_t *list_items = NULL;

line_item_t essai[5] = {{{0},{“00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t–/–/–
–:–:–\t–/–/-- --:–:–\tEssai 1”}},

{{0},{“00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t–/–/-- --:–:–\t–/–/–
–:–:–\tEssai 2”}},

{{0},{“00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t–/–/-- --:–:–\t–/–/–
–:–:–\tEssai 3”}},

{{0},{“00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t–/–/-- --:–:–\t–/–/–
–:–:–\tEssai 4”}},

{{0},{“00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t00\t–/–/-- --:–:–\t–/–/–
–:–:–\tEssai 5”}}};

GetListe( PtWidget_t *widget, ApInfo_t *apinfo, PtCallbackInfo_t *cbinfo )


essai[0] = &essai[1].gen_list_item;
essai[0].gen_list_item.size.h = 20;
essai[1] = &essai[2].gen_list_item;
essai[1].gen_list_item.size.h = 20;
essai[2] = &essai[3].gen_list_item;
essai[2].gen_list_item.size.h = 20;
essai[3] = &essai[4].gen_list_item;
essai[3].gen_list_item.size.h = 20;

PtGenListAddItems(ABW_PtList_msgListe, &essai[0].gen_list_item, NULL);

/* eliminate ‘unreferenced’ warnings */
widget = widget, apinfo = apinfo, cbinfo = cbinfo;

return( Pt_CONTINUE );


The list is created, I can select items by mouse but when I press any key
within the list, I get a SIGSEGV.

What’s wrong?


Alain Bonnefoy wrote:

I didn’t find how to use PtGenListAddItems.
I try to do:


[quote]The list is created, I can select items by mouse but when I press any key
within the list, I get a SIGSEGV.
That's exactly how PtGenList expects PtGenListAddItems() to be used; but 
most subclasses of PtGenList provide their own ways of creating and 
adding items and don't want you to use PtGenListAddItems() directly. 
What kind of a widget are you trying this with?