I tried to use it in a Pt_CB_PG_PANEL_SWITCHING callback and in a child’s
Pt_CB_REALIZED callback of the PtPanelGroup widget.

In both of them, Pt_ARG_PG_CURRENT_INDEX give me the panel I left and not
the panel I select with the mouse.



Alain Bonnefoy <> wrote:

AB > I tried to use it in a Pt_CB_PG_PANEL_SWITCHING callback and in a child’s
AB > Pt_CB_REALIZED callback of the PtPanelGroup widget.

AB > In both of them, Pt_ARG_PG_CURRENT_INDEX give me the panel I left and not
AB > the panel I select with the mouse.

AB > Why?

AB > Alain.

Hi Alian

I use this to find what tab is current:
uint16_t * panel_index;
PtGetResource( widget, Pt_ARG_PG_CURRENT_INDEX, &panel_index, 0 );

or in a callback:
current_view = ((PtPanelGroupCallback_t*)(cbinfo->cbdata))->new_panel_index;

And this to set what tab is current:
PtSetResource( ABW_panelGroup, Pt_ARG_PG_CURRENT_INDEX, current_view, 0 );

Hope some of this helps.