Progress bar Live_gauge flag?

I have set this "Pt_GAUGE_LIVE"flag (in Gauge Flags) so that while
there is no progress bar activities(change in value), it can still
indicate that the software is active. But when I actually run the
software, the progress bar doesn’t seem to give me that wave
animation to indicate no progress? I tried PtFlush() and no luck.

Any ideas?

jinma wrote:

I have set this "Pt_GAUGE_LIVE"flag (in Gauge Flags) so that while
there is no progress bar activities(change in value), it can still
indicate that the software is active. But when I actually run the
software, the progress bar doesn’t seem to give me that wave
animation to indicate no progress? I tried PtFlush() and no luck.

Your application needs to process Photon events to get the animation.

You’ll have to call PtBkgdHandlerProcess() periodically from your code
or use a separate thread or a workproc. Take a look at the “Parallel
operations” chapter of the Programmer’s guide.

thanks I will try