Can't build project in Momentics IDE.

I’m novice in Momentics IDE.
After creating an include file in my project I have got an error in C-Build

make CPULIST=x86 -k clean all
MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright (c) 1987, 1998 Inprise Corp.
Incorrect command line argument: -k

Please tell me what I should do to build my project?
Where can I find this command line key “-k” ??

Anatoly Lesnykh <> wrote:

I’m novice in Momentics IDE.
After creating an include file in my project I have got an error in C-Build

make CPULIST=x86 -k clean all
MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright (c) 1987, 1998 Inprise Corp.
Incorrect command line argument: -k

Please tell me what I should do to build my project?
Where can I find this command line key “-k” ??

Looks like you have another “make” binary in your path before the one
supplied by QNX. You will have to update your system path to include
the QNX directories before the one that has this other make program. Such
problems have been resolved for 6.3.0.


Chris McKillop <> “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”
Software Engineer, QSSL – Lewis Carroll –

Thank you very much for your help.
I’ve corrected the PATH and the problem was solved.