Momentics 6.3.0 graphic problem


I use Momentics on a QNX hostet 6.3.0 system.

The repaint of the open file tabs above the editor window seems to be
bad. After a few working steps (entering text, changing to another view,
etc.) the open file tabs - except the one of the file I am working in -
disappear. Only when I move the mouse cursor over them they reappear,
until I continue my work.

Anything I can do to prevent this limitating behavior?

— Wolfram

Wolfram Manthey <> wrote:


I use Momentics on a QNX hostet 6.3.0 system.

The repaint of the open file tabs above the editor window seems to be
bad. After a few working steps (entering text, changing to another view,
etc.) the open file tabs - except the one of the file I am working in -
disappear. Only when I move the mouse cursor over them they reappear,
until I continue my work.

Anything I can do to prevent this limitating behavior?

This is a known bug, it is tagged as fixed for service pack 1, so you can
wait for SP1 to be released, then download & install it.


David Gibbs
QNX Training Services

David Gibbs <> wrote:
DG > Wolfram Manthey <> wrote:


I use Momentics on a QNX hostet 6.3.0 system.

The repaint of the open file tabs above the editor window seems to be
bad. After a few working steps (entering text, changing to another view,
etc.) the open file tabs - except the one of the file I am working in -
disappear. Only when I move the mouse cursor over them they reappear,
until I continue my work.

Anything I can do to prevent this limitating behavior?

DG > This is a known bug, it is tagged as fixed for service pack 1, so you can
DG > wait for SP1 to be released, then download & install it.

Oh Dave! Don’t use that terminology. It sounds so MS’ish.

Bill Caroselli <> wrote:

David Gibbs <>> > wrote:

Anything I can do to prevent this limitating behavior?

DG > This is a known bug, it is tagged as fixed for service pack 1, so you can
DG > wait for SP1 to be released, then download & install it.

Oh Dave! Don’t use that terminology. It sounds so MS’ish.

Ouch, you wound me. Unfortunately, you’re just wounding the messenger.

I didn’t make up the term “Service Pack 1”.


David Gibbs
QNX Training Services

David Gibbs wrote:

Wolfram Manthey <>> > wrote:


I use Momentics on a QNX hostet 6.3.0 system.

The repaint of the open file tabs above the editor window seems to be
bad. After a few working steps (entering text, changing to another view,
etc.) the open file tabs - except the one of the file I am working in -
disappear. Only when I move the mouse cursor over them they reappear,
until I continue my work.

Anything I can do to prevent this limitating behavior?

This is a known bug, it is tagged as fixed for service pack 1, so you can
wait for SP1 to be released, then download & install it.


any estimation, when SP1 will be released?

— Wolfram

Wolfram Manthey <> wrote:

any estimation, when SP1 will be released?

I’m sorry but I can’t answer that question, I’d get completely slapped
around if I did. I think the official response is, “talk to your sales
representative” for any question that includes “when will xxx be released”.


David Gibbs
QNX Training Services

David Gibbs wrote:

Wolfram Manthey <>> > wrote:

any estimation, when SP1 will be released?

I’m sorry but I can’t answer that question, I’d get completely slapped
around if I did. I think the official response is, “talk to your sales
representative” for any question that includes “when will xxx be released”.

If you’re involved in gaming circles at all, you could answer, “Before
Duke Nukem: Forever is released”…

Chris Herborth (
Never send a monster to do the work of an evil scientist.

Chris Herborth <> wrote:

David Gibbs wrote:
Wolfram Manthey <>> > wrote:

any estimation, when SP1 will be released?

I’m sorry but I can’t answer that question, I’d get completely slapped
around if I did. I think the official response is, “talk to your sales
representative” for any question that includes “when will xxx be released”.

If you’re involved in gaming circles at all, you could answer, “Before
Duke Nukem: Forever is released”…

Or, if you’re involved in SF circles, you could refer to The Last Dangerous
publication date. :slight_smile:


David Gibbs
QNX Training Services