fklein23 <> wrote:
I am having this problem as well.
When I first bring up Neutrino on the Lite5200, there IS a file
bin dev lib proc tmp usr
I assume this is in a RAM disk.
Sort of; these directories are part of the Image FileSystem (IFS),
which sits in RAM, but is read-only. If you try to write to /, as
you are doing below, you’re trying to write to a read-only filesystem.
If you have a hard drive attached to the IDE interface, you need to
ensure that the eide device driver is running. If you execute the ‘pidin’
command, you should see ‘devb-eide-mpc5200’ in the list of running
Under the /dev/ directory, you should see your hard drive:
as well as any partitions on the drive; for QNX partitions, they
might appear as:
Windows / FAT32 partitions may appear as:
Before accessing a partition, you need to mount it. For example, to
mount a QNX partition:
mount -t qnx4 /dev/hd0t77 /disk0
now you can cd to /disk0, and see the contents of the drive, write
files, etc.
My intention is to put a file system
on the IDE disk that is attached.
To do that, I need to mount the device.
To do that I need to make a mount target.
Under Linux, I would say something like:
QNX isn’t Linux
. For more information, you can read about QNX device drivers,
the ‘mount’ command, etc., in the on-line documentation:
mkdir /mnt
mkdir /mnt/disk0
mount /dev/hd0 /mnt/disk0
(Or some variation of that)
My problem is that mkdir doesn’t work (for the same reason as the
above posting)
mkdir /mnt
mkdir: /mnt: Function not implemented
I thought it was because I didn’t have write privileges to the
directory in which I try to make the new directory.
So I reasoned, “put the target directory under the usr
directory”. So I tried:
chmod a+rw usr
chmod: changing permission of usr : No such file or directory
I’m sure I am missing something here. Anyone KNOW how to get started
putting an IDE filesystem on Neutrino?
David Green (
QNX Software Systems Ltd.