
Can you give me examples, on the usage of this API.
with _PPF_INFORM flag specifically.


radha krishnan <radha.nk@geind.ge.com> wrote:

Can you give me examples, on the usage of this API.
with _PPF_INFORM flag specifically.

Ah yes, the one where the documentation says:
“It’s best not to use this flag at all”.

What this flag does, is request that Proc send your process a
message whenever a process dies. Proc will not continue with
the death/cleanup of that process until you reply. To repeat,
you are asking the OS core to BLOCK on your process until you
reply. This means that you MUST be able to receive and reply
to these messages with very low latency, and you can not
perform any process creation requests, as these could cause
a system deadlock. (You send message to proc to say “create
a process”, it sends you a message saying “a process died”,
neither side can make any forward progress.)

You will need to look at <sys/proc_msg.h> and <sys/sys_msg.h>
for the structures used.

Documentation is intentionally not provided, as the use of this
interface is not recommended.


David Gibbs
QNX Training Services