can't open display 127:0

Can anyone help,please?
After full QNX [620 or 621] installation I get en error while trying to
“fire up” some progs in photon gui (eg. ddd, dia, gimp, soundtracker…)
It reads:
" Gtk Warning: can’t open display 127:0 ".
What does it mean ? What should I do ?

I set up the ‘env’ paths in /etc/profile and /etc/rc.d/sysinit.rc [
LD_LIBRARY_PATH with export in front of it ], but the system seems to
completely ignorant of them. When I want to run any program system I get
answer like this : "can’t find xxx.library ? "

andrew sora <> wrote:

Can anyone help,please?
After full QNX [620 or 621] installation I get en error while trying to
“fire up” some progs in photon gui (eg. ddd, dia, gimp, soundtracker…)
It reads:
" Gtk Warning: can’t open display 127:0 ".
What does it mean ? What should I do ?

Do you have XPhoton installed?


Chris McKillop <> “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”
Software Engineer, QSSL – Lewis Carroll –