
I’m writing a Device Driver to communicate to a USB device which uses Vendor
Specific requests via it’s control endpoint. I’m adapting a driver which
uses bulk endpoints but my driver won’t build when I use calls such as
usbd_setup_control(). This call is a QNX documented function, but is it
supported in the current release of QNX ?

Nick Horsley

Nick Horsley <> wrote:

I’m writing a Device Driver to communicate to a USB device which uses Vendor
Specific requests via it’s control endpoint. I’m adapting a driver which
uses bulk endpoints but my driver won’t build when I use calls such as
usbd_setup_control(). This call is a QNX documented function, but is it
supported in the current release of QNX ?

Use the usbd_setup_vendor function. (usbd_setup_control wasn’t implemented
since the usbd_setup_vendor provides the same functionality).