Building a library of libraries under 6.3.0 SP2

Is there an easier way to do this? In the past, we created a library
project, then modified the makefile as follows:

include …/…/ (existing)
include …/…/ (added)

When then defined the as follows:

VARIANT = $(CPU)/$(notdir $(CURDIR))

only_objs = $(PATH)/Acc/AccAttributes/$(VARIANT)/.o

This works ok under SP2, such that when I select my project, it will
recompile the depedencies if required, but it does not rebuild the libraries
(.a, .so) themselves.

Hello Richard,

I read this email and it is intreating for me, because I have a problem that
maybe you can help me.

We are in the beggining of porting a project to QNX and trying to make
project in Momentics. Our project tree has lots of branches, qhich are
libraries for main program. If we want to create a make file for
subdirectory to compile it as a library and then link to main program, how
can we do that.

I appreciate your time and reply.


“RIchard Doucet” <doucetr@DONTaeclSPAM.caME> wrote in message

Is there an easier way to do this? In the past, we created a library
project, then modified the makefile as follows:

include …/…/ (existing)
include …/…/ (added)

When then defined the as follows:

VARIANT = $(CPU)/$(notdir $(CURDIR))

only_objs = $(PATH)/Acc/AccAttributes/$(VARIANT)/.o

This works ok under SP2, such that when I select my project, it will
recompile the depedencies if required, but it does not rebuild the
(.a, .so) themselves.