Running multiple versions of Momentics

I currently have 6.3.0 SP1 installed. I would like to install SP2 to use
on a new project I am about to start, but I need to continue using SP1 for
the existing project.

Is it possible to have the two versions coexist nicely? Any suggestions on
how to do so?



I think that documentation of SP2 says that SP2 can not coexist with SP1
→ “If you previously installed SP1, uninstalling SP2 takes you back
to SP1”
I use 2 different PCs one with 6.2.1 and 6.3.0 SP1 and another one with
6.3.0 SP2.


Rick Pike wrote:

I currently have 6.3.0 SP1 installed. I would like to install SP2 to use
on a new project I am about to start, but I need to continue using SP1 for
the existing project.

Is it possible to have the two versions coexist nicely? Any suggestions on
how to do so?



I am late on this, but if someone is interested, yes, it can be done with
some trickery. See my HOWTO below for using different Momentics/QNX versions
on Windows…

Note, that the Momentics icon in Windows still starts up the Momentics that
you installed last (i.e. the one under c:\QNX630). In other words, you will
be using/running the latest Momentics, but can choose a different QNX
version for compilation. You could also run the “old” QNX’s Momentics if you
wanted to. Important, running a different QNX Momentics version is not a
biggie, apart from the project file incompatibilities between SP2 and SP1
mentioned in the HOWTO.

Also, if you want to use the Momentics remote debugging you might have to
copy over the latest/correct qconn to your target. E.g. let’s say you are
USING 6.3SP2’s Momentics and your target is running 6.3SP0. Copy the SP2’s
qconn from your laptop’s C:\QNX630\target\qnx6\x86\usr\sbin to your SP0

This works for my set-up: laptop with latest and greatest Momentics on
Windows (so far SP2, will install 6.3.2 when I have time for it), target on


Momentics Using Multiple versions, e.g. 6.3.0 and 6.3.0sp2

last update: oct/20, 2005

This HOWTO will show you, how to install multiple QNX version so
that you can produce/compile code for a different version that
you’ve actually installed. E.g. you’ll be able to produce
executables for SP1 on a SP2 box. Cool, eh?


  • Momentics 6.3.0 SP2’s .cdtproject files are INCOMPATIBLE
    with earlier ones, i.e. once you used SP2 you will not be
    able to use the project with an older Momentics version
  • The Momentics Icon will refer to the QNX version installed last,
    i.e. install the newest version at last.


  1. Install first QNX version, e.g. 6.3.0 plain (no SP)

  2. rename c:/QNX630 to e.g. c:/QNX630_sp0

  3. rename c:/Program Files/QNX Software Systems to e.g.
    c:/Program Files/QNX Software Systems_sp0

  4. Control Panel/Add/Remove Software

  5. uninstall the QNX version you installed (first uninstall the
    SPs and then the plain version)
    You’ll get an error that it does not find the software and
    asks if you want to remove the entry. Say “yes” to this.

  6. Install the other QNX version, e.g. SP2

  7. make QNX Momentics aware of the two configs
    7.1) Close Momentics if you have it open
    7.2) Go to C:\Program Files\QNX Software Systems\qconfig
    copy qnx_momentics_6.3.0.xml to e.g. qnx_momentics_6.3.0_sp0.xml
    7.3) Edit qnx_momentics_6.3.0_sp0.xml
    a) adjust all paths in the tags to c:/QNX630_sp0
    b) adjust the name tag to e.g. QNX Momentics 6.3.0 SP0

Here are the three configs I have:


<?xml version="1.0" ?> C:/QNX630 QNX Momentics 6.3.0 SP2 C:/QNX630/host/win32/x86 C:/QNX630/target/qnx6 ---


<?xml version="1.0" ?> C:/QNX630nosp1 QNX Momentics 6.3.0 C:/QNX630nosp1/host/win32/x86 C:/QNX630nosp1/target/qnx6 --- \ \ qnx_momentics_6.3.0sp1.xml: --- <?xml version="1.0" ?> C:/QNX630sp1 QNX Momentics 6.3.0 SP1 C:/QNX630sp1/host/win32/x86 C:/QNX630sp1/target/qnx6 --- \ \ \ \ Change the active installation of QNX ------------------------------------- i.e. the one that is used for compilation, to whichever version you want to use.

There are two ways of doing this:
a) Use QNX’ configuration program in Windows:
a.1) Start/QNX Momentics 6.3.0/Configuration
a.2) Select your version
b) Change it through Momentics IDE:
b.1) Window/Preferences
b.2) Click on “QNX” in the list (not the +)
b.3) Select your version

“Armand Ciejak” <> wrote in message

I think that documentation of SP2 says that SP2 can not coexist with SP1 -
“If you previously installed SP1, uninstalling SP2 takes you back to SP1”
I use 2 different PCs one with 6.2.1 and 6.3.0 SP1 and another one with
6.3.0 SP2.


Rick Pike wrote:
I currently have 6.3.0 SP1 installed. I would like to install SP2 to use
on a new project I am about to start, but I need to continue using SP1
the existing project.

Is it possible to have the two versions coexist nicely? Any suggestions
how to do so?

