How to get clock time in seconds since 1987

How do we get time in seconds between 1970 and 1980?


On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 13:49:26 +0400, radha krishnan
<> wrote:

How do we get time in seconds between 1970 and 1980?
Use difftime().


radha krishnan wrote:

How do we get time in seconds between 1970 and 1980?

Are you thinking of converting between DOS/QNX time epochs?;
I think it was 315532800.

difftime() will give the diference between two dates in seconds. You
can use the same function and pass two dates to get the time. You can
use &now if you want the current date/time.

These functions should be in time.h header file.
I think its about, 347068800