Problem with umount & mount ethernet card en1 ;

I’ve got 2 ethernet cards: en0 & en1 (QNX 6.3);
I can do :
umount /dev/io-net/en1
but I can’t mount it (driver:
io-net -d pcnet lan=1

I have to unmount en0 (that is all eth. cards)
and than mount all eth cards:
io-net -d pcnet

How to mount only 1 interface?

On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 03:21:12PM +0200, Q wrote:

I’ve got 2 ethernet cards: en0 & en1 (QNX 6.3);
I can do :
umount /dev/io-net/en1
but I can’t mount it (driver:
io-net -d pcnet lan=1

I have to unmount en0 (that is all eth. cards)
and than mount all eth cards:
io-net -d pcnet

How to mount only 1 interface?

You can use the “pci=index” option. For example, if I wanted to start
two TCP/IP stacks, one for each card:

io-net -ptcpip -dpcnet pci=0
io-net -ptcpip prefix=/2 -dpcnet pci=1

Or, if the stack is already running, you can also do:
io-net -ptcpip
mount -Tio-net -o pci=0 /lib/dll/

