How to determine mounting new ethernet card
in net filter module ?
/I’ve got 3 NPKT messages after unmounting enX card:
but what about mounting new enX ?
You got a MSG with type _IO_NET_MSG_DL_ADVERT from each
ether driver.
Q <> wrote:
How to determine mounting new ethernet card
in net filter module ?
/I’ve got 3 NPKT messages after unmounting enX card:
but what about mounting new enX ?
You got a MSG with type _IO_NET_MSG_DL_ADVERT from each
ether driver.
after umount eth card I’ve got packet with flags UP + MSG + MSG_DYING
from unmounted eth card,
but after mount eth card I’ve got nothing;
packet with flags UP + MSG is sent (for each eth card)
only after registering module;
/after calling to (io_net_self_t *ion)->reg(…);
I check out my code - maybe it’s my fault;