I am trying to get the DBPXA270DP BSP running on my PXA270-based
I am using a custom bootloader to load the image and so far it is
running through the startup code okay, but halts when it goes to
start procnto.
I think it could be because of the bootloader I am using, but am
unsure why it would make the startup code run successfully without
getting to the kernel. I am using QNX 6.3.
My debug output is as follows:
Operating System loaded successfully!Running image from RAM
Dcache: 1024x32 WB
Icache: 1024x32
pxa270 rev 7 149MHz
Header size=0x0000009c, Total Size=0x000005d8, #Cpu=1, Type=4
Section:system_private offset:0x000001d8 size:0x00000068
syspage ptr user:fc404000 kernel:fc404000
cpupage ptr user:fc404bc0 kernel:fc404bc0 spacing:32
kdebug info:00000000 callback:00000000
boot pgms: idx=0
0) base paddr:a020c000 start addr:fe0203a4
ramsize:00000000 pagesize:00001000
Section:qtime offset:0x00000148 size:0x00000048
boot:00000000 CPS:0000000000319750 rate/scale:307692307/-15 intr:26
Section:callout offset:0x000000a0 size:0x00000048
reboot:00000000 power:fc404a24
timer_load:fc404a3c reload:fc404a74 value:fc404abc
0) display:fc404ae4 poll:fc404b08 break:fc404b2c
- display:00000000 poll:00000000 break:00000000
Section:cpuinfo offset:0x00000190 size:0x00000020 - cpu:69054117 flags:40000001 speed:00000095 cache i/d:1/0 name:62
Section:cacheattr offset:0x00000598 size:0x00000040 - flags:32 size:0020 #lines:0400 control:fc404644 next:255
- flags:11 size:0020 #lines:0400 control:fc40469c next:255
Section:meminfo offset:0x000005d8 size:0x00000000
Section:asinfo offset:0x00000318 size:0x000001c0 - 0000000000000000-00000000ffffffff o:ffff a:0010 p:100
c:00000000 n:21 - 0000000000000000-0000000004000000 o:0000 a:0005 p:100
c:00000000 n:28 - 0000000004000000-0000000008000000 o:0000 a:0005 p:100
c:00000000 n:28 - 0000000040000000-0000000008000000 o:0000 a:0013 p:100
c:00000000 n:32 - 0000000040000000-0000000008000000 o:0060 a:0003 p:100
c:00000000 n:39
00a0) 0000000008000000-0000000008000100 o:0000 a:0013 p:100
c:00000000 n:32
00c0) 0000000008000000-0000000008000100 o:00a0 a:0003 p:100
c:00000000 n:39
00e0) 00000000a0000000-00000000a3ffffff o:0000 a:0017 p:100
c:00000000 n:42 - 00000000a020b110-00000000a0323a1b o:0000 a:0005 p:100
c:00000000 n:69 - 00000000a0200008-00000000a020b10f o:0000 a:0007 p:100
c:00000000 n:77 - 00000000a020b110-00000000a0323a1b o:0000 a:0007 p:100
c:00000000 n:85 - 00000000a0000000-00000000a0007fff o:00e0 a:0007 p:100
c:00000000 n:93 - 00000000a0014be0-00000000a0200007 o:00e0 a:0007 p:100
c:00000000 n:93
01a0) 00000000a0323a1c-00000000a3ffffff o:00e0 a:0007 p:100
c:00000000 n:93
Section:hwinfo offset:0x000002d0 size:0x00000048 - size:3 tag:3 isize:3, iname:0, owner:65535, kids:1
- size:3 tag:17 isize:3, iname:9, owner:0, kids:1
- size:3 tag:3 isize:3, iname:46, owner:12, kids:1
- size:4 tag:55 isize:4, iname:50, owner:24, kids:0
00 00 00 00
Section:typed_strings offset:0x00000240 size:0x00000028
off:0 type:5 string:‘DBPXA270DP’
off:16 type:2 string:‘localhost’
Section:strings offset:0x00000268 size:0x00000068
[0]‘hw’ [3]‘Group’ [9]‘unknown’ [17]‘Bus’ [21]‘memory’ [28]‘rom’
[39]‘io’ [42]‘ram’ [46]‘rtc’ [50]‘NONE’ [55]‘Device’ [62]‘pxa270’
[69]‘imagefs’ [77]‘startup’ [85]‘bootram’ [93]‘sysram’
Section:intrinfo offset:0x000004d8 size:0x000000c0 - vector_base:00000000, #vectors:34, cascade_vector:7fffffff
cpu_intr_base:00000000, cpu_intr_stride:0, flags:0000
id => flags:8000, size:0074, rtn:fc4046d0
eoi => flags:9000, size:0048, rtn:fc404744
mask:fc40478c, unmask:fc4047d4, config:00000000 - vector_base:00000100, #vectors:119, cascade_vector:0000000a
cpu_intr_base:00000000, cpu_intr_stride:0, flags:0000
id => flags:8000, size:0094, rtn:fc404854
eoi => flags:9000, size:0000, rtn:fc4048e8
mask:fc4048e8, unmask:fc4048f0, config:00000000 - vector_base:00000200, #vectors:20, cascade_vector:00000008
cpu_intr_base:00000000, cpu_intr_stride:0, flags:0000
id => flags:0000, size:0048, rtn:fc404958
eoi => flags:1000, size:002c, rtn:fc4049a0
mask:fc4049cc, unmask:fc4049f8, config:00000000
Section:smp offset:0x000005d8 size:0x00000000
Section:pminfo offset:0x000005d8 size:0x00000000
Section:mdriver offset:0x000005d8 size:0x00000000
Section:boxinfo offset:0x000001b0 size:0x00000028
Section:cpu offset:0x00000128 size:0x00000020
page_flush:fc404600 page_flush_deferred:fc404640
upte_ro:0000002f upte_rw:0000007f
kpte_ro:0000000f kpte_rw:0000005f
System page at phys:a0014000 user:fc404000 kern:fc404000
Starting next program at vfe0203a4
My build file contains the following:
[virtual=armle,raw +compress] .bootstrap = {
startup-dbpxa270dp -vvvvv
PATH set here is the safe path for executables.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH set here is the safe path for libraries.
i.e. These are the paths searched by setuid/setgid
(confstr(_CS_PATH…) and confstr(_CS_LIBPATH…))
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/proc/boot:/lib:/usr/lib:/lib/dll procnto -vvvvv
[+script] .script = {
procmgr_symlink …/…/proc/boot/libc.so.2 /usr/lib/ldqnx.so.2
display_msg Welcome to QNX Neutrino 6.3 on the Intel DBPXA270
Development Platform
SERIAL driver
This board uses FFUART as /dev/ser1, BTUART as /dev/ser2
devc-serpxa250 -e 0x40100000,22 0x40200000,21
waitfor /dev/ser1
reopen /dev/ser1
Any help would be greatly appreciated.