QNX 6.3.2: Starting 'devi-elo' Touchscreen Driver?

I’m converting our application from QNX 6.1 to QNX 6.3.2.
Most everything is now working, but I cannot get the
‘devi-elo’ touchscreen driver to start. The touchscreen
is interfaced via serial port. There is normally no mouse
present in our application, although we use it as backup
for failed touchscreen hardware.

Under QNX 6.1, here is the pair of commands required
in '/usr/bin/ph" to start the touchscreen driver. This has
been working:

Start up keyboard and mouse I/O drivers

…/devi-hirun kbd fd -d/dev/kbd ps2 mousedev &

ELO Touch is the touchscren driver for the 1024x768

screen with GEM Scanport Display Assembly.

/usr/photon/bin/devi-elo smartset fd -d/dev/ser1
abs -f/etc/config/trap/calib.LZPS1 &

This does not work under QNX 6.3.2 (although devi-hirun and devi-elo
are present, and both start). The serial port and calibration file exist.

  1. Does devi-hirun co-exist with devi-hid? It seems they do the same
    sorts of things.

  2. How should I start devi-elo?


Here is my startup command for the ELO touchscreen;

devi-elo smartset -R fd -d/dev/ser1 abs

The -R option is to not reset the device. For some reason when I
start the driver without the -R the touchscreen resets but never
comes back to life.