QT installation error

I am trying to get Qt/X11-free Development 3.1.0 release 2 installed in my system running QNX 6.2.
I downloaded the packages from the repository available in this link: download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a/?M=A
After running the installer application, I cannot see any QT related icon in my desktop or under Application menu in Launch. I tried running ./designer in /opt/X11R6/qt3/bin from the command line and it throws an error saying that a library file libqui.so.1 could not be found. I checked .profile file and the environment is set right. Also “echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH” shows the correct path where the library file exists.

I request someone to help me find out where the error is.

This is the QNX installer log, for your reference:
16:49:37 STATUS: Session verbosity changed to 2
16:49:37 STATUS: Log file started on 2007-04-23 – QNX Software Installer
16:49:37 STATUS: Session started by the qnxinstall 2.4 (qnx6) using libpackage 2.5 (Jun 19 2003 14:04:57 build)
16:49:37 STATUS: Downloading provided by libsqurl 1.0 using libcurl 7.9.8
16:49:37 STATUS: Deleting orphaned plib* directories
16:49:37 STATUS: Proxy dactivated
16:49:37 STATUS: Loaded installed QPF file (/etc/system/package/packages)
16:49:37 STATUS: Loading installed QRM (/pkgs/repository)
16:49:37 STATUS: Installed repository has been added (“User Software” at /pkgs/repository)
16:49:37 STATUS: Opening installed repository… (“User Software” at /pkgs/repository)
16:50:01 STATUS: Saving installed QRM to /etc/system/package/installed/b19f8bc4c5fff2f0ea12229dffe594ab.qrm (“User Software” at /pkgs/repository)
16:50:01 STATUS: Installed repository has been parsed (919 packages)
16:50:01 STATUS: Loading installed QRM (/pkgs/base)
16:50:01 STATUS: Installed repository has been added (“Core Software” at /pkgs/base)
16:50:01 STATUS: Opening installed repository… (“Core Software” at /pkgs/base)
16:50:02 STATUS: Saving installed QRM to /etc/system/package/installed/b62ffa80e250fbd6e661a1948c473789.qrm (“Core Software” at /pkgs/base)
16:50:02 STATUS: Installed repository has been parsed (38 packages)
16:50:03 STATUS: Loaded installed QPF file (/etc/system/package/packages)
16:50:03 STATUS: Loaded installed QPF file (/etc/system/package/packages)
16:51:22 STATUS: Refreshing repository /pkgs/repository (“User Software” at /pkgs/repository)
16:51:22 STATUS: Opening repository… (“User Software” at /pkgs/repository)
16:51:22 STATUS: Loading installed QRM (“User Software” at /pkgs/repository)
16:51:22 STATUS: Repository has been refreshed (919 packages)
16:51:22 STATUS: Saving installed QRM to /etc/system/package/installed/b19f8bc4c5fff2f0ea12229dffe594ab.qrm (“User Software” at /pkgs/repository)
16:51:22 STATUS: Cannot uninstall this slib (openssl-slib-0.9.7-x86-public) because libssl.so.0.9.7 is required by samba-2.2.7a-bld3-x86-public
16:51:22 STATUS: Cannot deactivate this slib (openssl-slib-0.9.7-x86-public) because libssl.so.0.9.7 is required by samba-2.2.7a-bld3-x86-public
16:51:23 STATUS: Cannot uninstall this slib (os-slib-2.1.1-x86-qnx) because libc.so.1 is required by b-os-6.2.1B-x86-qnx
16:51:23 STATUS: Cannot deactivate this slib (os-slib-2.1.1-x86-qnx) because libc.so.1 is required by b-os-6.2.1B-x86-qnx
16:52:10 STATUS: Refreshing repository /root/svdo/qtpkg (/root/svdo/qtpkg)
16:52:10 STATUS: Opening repository… (/root/svdo/qtpkg)
16:52:10 ERROR: This repository contains no packages (/root/svdo/qtpkg)
16:53:11 STATUS: Restarting package filesystems (all)
16:53:44 STATUS: Cannot uninstall this slib (openssl-slib-0.9.7-x86-public) because libssl.so.0.9.7 is required by samba-2.2.7a-bld3-x86-public
16:53:44 STATUS: Cannot deactivate this slib (openssl-slib-0.9.7-x86-public) because libssl.so.0.9.7 is required by samba-2.2.7a-bld3-x86-public
16:53:44 STATUS: Cannot uninstall this slib (os-slib-2.1.1-x86-qnx) because libc.so.1 is required by b-os-6.2.1B-x86-qnx
16:53:44 STATUS: Cannot deactivate this slib (os-slib-2.1.1-x86-qnx) because libc.so.1 is required by b-os-6.2.1B-x86-qnx
16:55:31 STATUS: Refreshing repository /root/svdo/qtpkg/Qt-X11-free-3.1.0-public.qpk (/root/svdo/qtpkg/Qt-X11-free-3.1.0-public.qpk)
16:55:31 STATUS: Opening repository… (/root/svdo/qtpkg/Qt-X11-free-3.1.0-public.qpk)
16:55:32 ERROR: This repository contains no packages (/root/svdo/qtpkg/Qt-X11-free-3.1.0-public.qpk)
16:55:44 STATUS: Refreshing repository packages.qnx.com)
16:55:53 STATUS: Auto RETRY download on refresh
16:56:01 DOWNLOAD: Download problem in repository.qrm–Connect timeout on IP number 1 (“QNX Online” at packages.qnx.com)
16:56:01 STATUS: User aborted action
16:56:01 WARNING: User aborted current activity
16:58:49 STATUS: Refreshing repository /root/svdo/qtpkg (/root/svdo/qtpkg)
16:58:49 STATUS: Opening repository… (/root/svdo/qtpkg)
16:58:49 ERROR: This repository contains no packages (/root/svdo/qtpkg)
16:59:20 STATUS: Checking primary repository list (qnx.com/developer/community/ … sitory.qrm)
16:59:28 DOWNLOAD: Download problem in repository.qrm–Connect timeout on IP number 1 (qnx.com/developer/community/qrm)
16:59:28 STATUS: User aborted action
16:59:28 WARNING: User aborted current activity
17:00:05 STATUS: Spawning command /usr/photon/bin/ped -r /etc/system/package/session.log
17:00:32 STATUS: Refreshing repository /root/svdo (/root/svdo)
17:00:32 STATUS: Opening repository… (/root/svdo)
17:00:32 ERROR: This repository contains no packages (/root/svdo)
17:54:55 STATUS: Loading remote QRM (“QSSL-Unsupported” at /root/svdo/qtpkg)
17:55:03 DOWNLOAD: Download problem in repository.qrm–Connect timeout on IP number 1 (download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a)
17:55:08 WARNING: User aborted current activity
17:55:08 STATUS: Refreshing repository download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a)
17:55:17 STATUS: Auto RETRY download on refresh
17:55:25 DOWNLOAD: Download problem in repository.qrm–Connect timeout on IP number 1 (“QSSL’s Unsupported Repository” at download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a)
17:55:30 STATUS: Opening repository… (“QSSL’s Unsupported Repository” at download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a)
17:55:38 DOWNLOAD: Download problem in repository.qrm–Connect timeout on IP number 1 (“QSSL’s Unsupported Repository” at download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a)
17:55:38 STATUS: User aborted action
17:55:38 WARNING: User aborted current activity
17:55:39 STATUS: Download content.tgz using connection download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a)
17:56:10 DOWNLOAD: Download problem in repository.qrm–Connect timeout on IP number 1 (“QSSL’s Unsupported Repository” at download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a)
17:56:15 WARNING: User aborted current activity
18:07:26 STATUS: Loading remote QRM (/root/svdo/qtpkg)
18:07:26 STATUS: Repository freed [cause 11] (QSSL’s Unsupported Repository)
18:07:26 STATUS: Refreshing repository /root/svdo/qtpkg (“QSSL’s Unsupported Repository” at /root/svdo/qtpkg)
18:07:26 STATUS: Opening repository… (“QSSL’s Unsupported Repository” at /root/svdo/qtpkg)
18:07:26 ERROR: This repository contains no packages (“QSSL’s Unsupported Repository” at /root/svdo/qtpkg)
18:10:17 STATUS: Loading remote QRM (/root/svdo/qtpkg)
18:10:17 STATUS: Repository freed [cause 11] (QSSL’s Unsupported Repository)
18:10:17 STATUS: Refreshing repository /root/svdo/qtpkg (“QSSL’s Unsupported Repository” at /root/svdo/qtpkg)
18:10:17 STATUS: Opening repository… (“QSSL’s Unsupported Repository” at /root/svdo/qtpkg)
18:10:17 ERROR: This repository contains no packages (“QSSL’s Unsupported Repository” at /root/svdo/qtpkg)
18:14:51 STATUS: Proxy activated
18:14:51 STATUS: Adjust proxy server: rakshaka1.wipro.com port 0 (username: NONE, password not defined)
18:14:51 STATUS: Adjust proxy server: rakshaka1.wipro.com port 8080 (username: NONE, password not defined)
18:14:51 STATUS: Adjust proxy server: rakshaka1.wipro.com port 8080 (username: vishnpra, password not defined)
18:14:51 STATUS: Adjust proxy server: rakshaka1.wipro.com port 8080 (username: vishnpra, password defined)
18:16:10 STATUS: Loading remote QRM (download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a)
18:16:10 STATUS: Loading remote QRM (download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a)
18:16:10 STATUS: Repository freed [cause 11] (QSSL’s Unsupported Repository)
18:16:10 STATUS: Refreshing repository download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a)
18:16:11 STATUS: Opening repository… (“QSSL’s Unsupported Repository” at download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a)
18:16:11 STATUS: Download content.tgz using connection download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a)
18:17:24 STATUS: Repository has been opened (634 packages)
18:17:24 STATUS: Saving remote QRM to /etc/system/package/sources/QSSL-Unsupported.qrm (“QSSL’s Unsupported Repository” at download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a)
18:17:24 STATUS: Cannot uninstall this slib (openssl-slib-0.9.7-x86-public) because libssl.so.0.9.7 is required by samba-2.2.7a-bld3-x86-public
18:17:24 STATUS: Cannot deactivate this slib (openssl-slib-0.9.7-x86-public) because libssl.so.0.9.7 is required by samba-2.2.7a-bld3-x86-public
18:19:06 STATUS: Dependency check started… (Session)
18:19:06 STATUS: No additional repositories need to be pre-opened
18:19:06 STATUS: Dependency check completed (fully satisfied)
18:20:25 WARNING: Explicit download failed–default.repdata/ProductHomeURL/index.html [download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a]
18:20:27 STATUS: Final check prior to performing actions
18:20:27 STATUS: Actions being performed…
18:20:27 STATUS: Largest QPK is 7 MB
18:20:27 STATUS: FREE disk space on /pkgs/repository = 3.9 GB
18:20:27 STATUS: REQUIRED disk space on /pkgs/repository = 67.1 MB
18:20:27 STATUS: Package “xf86-lib-slib-4.2-x86-public” is selected to be installed by dependency because of “Qt-X11-free-3.1.0-x86-public”, which requires that a package with a “ProvidesLibrary” of libXext.so.6 and a “Processor” of x86 also be installed. (XFree86 Libs shared libraries 4.2 targeting x86)
18:20:27 STATUS: Package “xf86-lib-slib-4.2-public” is selected to be installed by dependency because of “xf86-lib-slib-4.2-x86-public”, which requires that a package with a “ProductIdentifier” of xf86-lib-slib and a “ReleaseVersion” of 4.2 and a “ReleaseBuild” of 1 and a “PackageReleaseNumber” of 1 and a “ReleaseStability” of Stable and a “VendorInstallName” of public also be installed. (XFree86 Libs shared libraries 4.2)
18:20:27 STATUS: Package “Qt-X11-free-dev_x86-3.1.0-public” is selected to be installed by dependency (Qt/X11-free Development 3.1.0 release 2 (Neutrino tool) targeting x86)
18:20:27 STATUS: Package “Qt-X11-free-dev-3.1.0-public” is selected to be installed by dependency because of “Qt-X11-free-dev_x86-3.1.0-public” (Since a target-specific core package is being installed, the corresponding target-independent core package is also required.) (Qt/X11-free Development 3.1.0 release 2 (Neutrino tool))
18:20:27 STATUS: Package “Qt-X11-free-3.1.0-x86-public” is selected to be installed by dependency (Qt/X11-free 3.1.0 release 2 (Neutrino tool))
18:20:27 STATUS: Package “Qt-X11-free-3.1.0-public” is selected to be installed by dependency because of “Qt-X11-free-3.1.0-x86-public”, which requires that a package with a “ProductIdentifier” of Qt-X11-free and a “ReleaseVersion” of 3.1.0 and a “ReleaseBuild” of 1 and a “PackageReleaseNumber” of 2 and a “ReleaseStability” of Stable and a “VendorInstallName” of public also be installed. (Qt/X11-free 3.1.0 release 2 (Neutrino tool))
18:20:27 STATUS: Performing preliminary actions in this repository… (“QSSL’s Unsupported Repository” at download.qnx.com/contrib/repository621a)
18:23:08 STATUS: Install package [/tmp/pkg-cache/665f94f968742a789f4b20c9a39c1573/xf86-lib-slib-4.2-x86-public.qpk] (XFree86 Libs shared libraries 4.2 targeting x86)
18:23:09 STATUS: Install package [/tmp/pkg-cache/665f94f968742a789f4b20c9a39c1573/xf86-lib-slib-4.2-public.qpk] (XFree86 Libs shared libraries 4.2)
18:26:26 STATUS: Install package [/tmp/pkg-cache/665f94f968742a789f4b20c9a39c1573/Qt-X11-free-dev_x86-3.1.0-public.qpk] (Qt/X11-free Development 3.1.0 release 2 (Neutrino tool) targeting x86)
18:26:50 STATUS: Install package [/tmp/pkg-cache/665f94f968742a789f4b20c9a39c1573/Qt-X11-free-dev-3.1.0-public.qpk] (Qt/X11-free Development 3.1.0 release 2 (Neutrino tool))
18:34:24 STATUS: Install package [/tmp/pkg-cache/665f94f968742a789f4b20c9a39c1573/Qt-X11-free-3.1.0-x86-public.qpk] (Qt/X11-free 3.1.0 release 2 (Neutrino tool))
18:40:31 STATUS: Install package [/tmp/pkg-cache/665f94f968742a789f4b20c9a39c1573/Qt-X11-free-3.1.0-public.qpk] (Qt/X11-free 3.1.0 release 2 (Neutrino tool))
18:40:50 STATUS: Preliminary actions complete for this repository
18:40:50 STATUS: Generating required QPF files
18:40:50 STATUS: Saving installed QRM to /etc/system/package/installed/b62ffa80e250fbd6e661a1948c473789.qrm (“Core Software” at /pkgs/base)
18:40:50 STATUS: Saving installed QRM to /etc/system/package/installed/b19f8bc4c5fff2f0ea12229dffe594ab.qrm (“User Software” at /pkgs/repository)
18:40:53 STATUS: Saved proposed QPF file (/etc/system/package/packages.proposed)
18:40:53 STATUS: Opening QPF (/etc/system/package/packages)
18:40:53 STATUS: Parsing QPF file
18:41:00 STATUS: Parsing QPM files
18:41:17 WARNING: Unresolvable symlink (…/…/…/…/opt/rp/ipaq/docs)
18:41:17 STATUS: Opening QPF (/etc/system/package/packages.proposed)
18:41:17 STATUS: Parsing QPF file
18:41:25 STATUS: Parsing QPM files
18:41:43 WARNING: Unresolvable symlink (…/…/…/…/opt/rp/ipaq/docs)
18:41:43 STATUS: Comparing QPF files (/etc/system/package/packages vs. /etc/system/package/packages.proposed)
18:41:43 STATUS: Comparing individual files
18:41:44 STATUS: Package summary complete (identified 0 of 0 packages)
18:41:44 STATUS: Moving files to/from disk
18:41:44 STATUS: Applying unions and symlinks
18:41:44 STATUS: Saved proposed QPF as current (/etc/system/package/packages)
18:41:44 STATUS: Restarting package filesystem (/etc/system/package/packages)
18:42:03 STATUS: Post commit for kept original files
18:42:04 STATUS: Action for XFree86 Libs shared libraries 4.2 targeting x86 (has been successfully installed)
18:42:04 STATUS: Action for XFree86 Libs shared libraries 4.2 (has been successfully installed)
18:42:04 STATUS: Action for Qt/X11-free Development 3.1.0 release 2 (Neutrino tool) targeting x86 (has been successfully installed)
18:42:04 STATUS: Action for Qt/X11-free Development 3.1.0 release 2 (Neutrino tool) (has been successfully installed)
18:42:04 STATUS: Action for Qt/X11-free 3.1.0 release 2 (Neutrino tool) (has been successfully installed)
18:42:04 STATUS: Action for Qt/X11-free 3.1.0 release 2 (Neutrino tool) (has been successfully installed)
18:42:04 STATUS: Saving installed QRM to /etc/system/package/installed/b19f8bc4c5fff2f0ea12229dffe594ab.qrm (“User Software” at /pkgs/repository)
18:42:05 STATUS: Actions completed
18:42:05 STATUS: Actions successfully completed.
18:42:05 STATUS: Cannot uninstall this slib (xf86-lib-slib-4.2-x86-public) because libXext.so.6 is required by Qt-X11-free-3.1.0-x86-public
18:42:05 STATUS: Cannot deactivate this slib (xf86-lib-slib-4.2-x86-public) because libXext.so.6 is required by Qt-X11-free-3.1.0-x86-public
18:42:05 STATUS: Cannot uninstall this slib (openssl-slib-0.9.7-x86-public) because libssl.so.0.9.7 is required by samba-2.2.7a-bld3-x86-public
18:42:05 STATUS: Cannot deactivate this slib (openssl-slib-0.9.7-x86-public) because libssl.so.0.9.7 is required by samba-2.2.7a-bld3-x86-public
18:53:45 STATUS: Spawning command /usr/photon/bin/ped -r /etc/system/package/session.log

Thanks in advance,

Have you installed XFree86?

Yes, I have installed XFree86.

Post “uname -a”.

Also run:

export DL_DEBUG=1
and post the output.

I am posting the output for your reference:

cd /opt/X11R6/qt3/bin


. assistant linguist lupdate qm2ts qtconfig
… designer l release moc qmake uic


Could not find library libqui.so.1

uname -a

QNX Delphi 6.2.1 2003/05/17-02:28:40edt x86pc x86

export DL_DEBUG=1


load_object: attempt load of libqui.so.1
Could not find library libqui.so.1


I would expect more messages after turning on DL_DEBUG…

Anyway, can you post

Another thing to try is to use the XFree86 and qt from openqnx sourceforge project:
downloads.sourceforge.net/openqn … g_mirror=1
downloads.sourceforge.net/openqn … g_mirror=1
untar and it installs in /usr/X11R6

The issue is solved.
The link to the library file “libqui.so.1” was missing. It was created and then everything worked fine.
Thanks for your help :slight_smile: