I installed QNX 6.3.2 on my PC having a RTL8139D based NIC. But the NIC was wrongly detected by the OS, & so the QNX rtl driver did not load over the NIC.
The “pci” command gave me the following info. about the NIC.
Class = Network (Ethernet)
Vendor ID = 1904h, Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
Device ID = 2031h, Unknown Unknown
PCI index = 0h
PCI Mem Address = e0a00000h enabled
PCI IO Address = 1000h enabled
PCI Expansion ROM = 0h disabled
PCI Int Pin = INT A
Interrupt line = 11
CPU Interrupt = bh
Please let me know about any suggestions to get the card detected on QNX.