QNX network driver does not init on s32g399a-rdb3

network driver is not being initialized.

QNX 7.1

U-boot from nxp precompiled binaries: I’ve tried with bsp 34,36,37,38 ; none of them makes the network work

What’s the command line to launch the network stack ?

sh -c “io-pkt-v6-hc -d dwceqos-s32g mac=genmac-random -m,ptp_off,verbose=5 -ptcpip pkt_typed_mem=below4G”

It is default which comes with the bsp

Are you using the evb board ?
Have you modified the BSP sources ?

I use rdb3 board and not have not modified the sources. Only thing different then documentation is u-boot version provided by nxp. On qnx page it was stated that they used version 33 for test but I have version 36 and 33 is not possible to download anymore :frowning:

You have to check the pin-muxing of the processor is correct.

You also have to check the board jumper configuration.