Is web browser development only available in SDP 7

I’m interested in testing some QNX Web Browser 2.0 development ( But the Web Browser package is not available for neither SDP 7.1 or 8.0, which is the only versions I have license for.

Is it possible to get the Web Browser package separately in some way? Or do I have to get a 7.0 license and install that locally first?

Welcome to the world of Blackberry QNX. I don’t know about this package and it may be somehow available, but there are reasons to be skeptical.

Since Blackberry took over the following are no longer available, or going away, to the best of my knowledge.
Package Source and Subversion
Photon the home grown GUI
Self hosted development
Intel 32 bit.
Writing interrupt handlers, although notification of interrupts is possible.

I’ve heard a rumor that QNET is going.

Some of these were major features of QNX for many years that distinguised the OS from its competitors, but were not considered important enough to support by Blackberry.

The only sectors that I know of that are doing new development are auto/transportation and medical.

Hi @maschoen

As I understood it, he QNX Web Browser 2.0 was a new addition when they released QNX Car 3 and SDP 7.0 back in 2017. Long after BlackBerry took over. It is based on the fairly new and modern Blink browser engine.

It seems weird that they would put time and effort to create this, just to remove it. A browser is a very useful tool in any operating system.

My use case is to be able to show online documentation, and maybe even use it as foundation for the UI. This would be much easier to do in a readily available browser then having to add a browser lib, such as the Qt web engine, in the application I’m creating (which also would force me to get a Qt license).

I didn’t know anything about this 7.0 web browser. I agree with your point that removing it doesn’t make sense. It’s would not be the first such deletion.

I see you’ve asked this question in several places (Reddit, Stack Overflow etc).

Since you have a licensed product, I’d ask at what used to be known as foundry27 which is where actual QNX people (including developers) hang out. It recently (as in last couple of months!) just changed to a new URL. It’s here now.
and here is a list of what projects there are (some have Forums you can ask questions in)

Apparently all old accounts are closed (mine is). You have to ask to register to be able to post. Not sure why they made this change unless it was to weed out anyone without a license.

Your other option if you have actual QNX licenses to contact your QNX rep directly and ask where this kit went that you want to use. That might be the fastest route to get an answer.


Hi Tim.

The first thing I did was asking QNX support directly. And they could not give me a straight answer. I also asked the question at Foundry27. But to be frank, that is not the most active place. Most questions ever asked there either as no answer or more questions than answers.

That’s the reason why I asked the question at several places. Cause maybe someone at some place knows.

I haven’t been able to get hold of the browser for SDP 8 yet either.

The fact that QNX support won’t or can’t give you an answer is a bit disconcerting. It’s their product and you are paying for the support so you are in my opinion at least owed an answer one way or another.
