You may have needed 15 unique priorities for the uC O/S if you were running on a single core, single threaded O/S. But it’s really unlikely you need that in QNX 7.1 unless you are somehow running on a CPU like that. What kind of CPU are you planning on running on since most CPU’s these days have multi-cores and multi-thread handling capabilities so that multiple threads can be running simultaneously.
There’s no real reason to run anything at priority higher than 63. In fact very few things besides drivers run higher than 10 (ie most user tasks run at 10 and rely on the O/S to schedule things correctly). In 30+ years of QNX development on various iterations of the O/S it’s only been a handful of times I’ve needed threads higher than the default 10 (mostly due to running graphics back in the day when QNX actually supported graphics like Photon/QNX Windows).
Privileged threads are typically only needed for accessing hardware (ie think device drivers) or memory mapped I/O. Most user applications don’t require it and if you look at the doc’s for the O/S calls you make they will tell you if you need special privileges for them to succeed.
What else can you tell us about what you are porting. That would help us help answer better.