QNX 6.2.1 on a k6-II 350MHZ, is it possible ?

Hi everybody!!

I’m trying to run qnx-6.2.1-nc on my box a k6-II 350MHZ but after reading and trying a lot more it seems that this can be impossible, I thought that this OS could run as a cdlive but there are a lot of solutions that don’t check with my purposes to test this OS and not erase the other SOs that I’m using now.

F1 safe modes
F5 start debug shell…
F6 be verbose
F7 mount read only partitions r/w if possible
F8 enable a previous package config
F9 target output to debug device
F10 force aprtition install
F11 enumerator disables
F12 driver disables

Well I thought that the solution was F2 but this one not appears here

I’ve tried F1 but the next options have followed.

F1 use base QNX package only
F2 F1 plus use safe rc file
F3 F2 plus do no start photon
F4 F3 plus leave all others filesystems

I’m newby and for me all this is a maze someone can help me. :slight_smile: Ximo