[HELP] How to uncompress .z file in QNX?

I downloaded some files from ftp.qnx.com and found some .z files which can’t be unzipped by unzip or gzip, Could anyone tell me how to uncompress this kind of files?
Thanks a lot!

QNX2 had pack/unpack utilities that used .z suffixes and there were third party compress/uncompress utilities that used .Z suffixes. Are these old QNX2 files?

I’m pretty sure “uncompress” is the executable you want, on 4.2x or 6.x

-James Ingraham
Sage Automation, Inc.

Thanks for your helps! Could you please tell me where to download uncompress in qnx 6.x or if could share this utility?

Maybe you’re right for all of these z files were created before 1989. Could you please help me how to use pack and unpack to unzip these files.

email the .z files to my user name here at qsolv.com and I’ll try to unpack them on my QNX2 box. I don’t want to download another archiver to access the attachment.

Ok, so uncompress is just a link to gzip. No link set up on 4.25, even though I’d swear that I had used it before. Nothing I’ve tried seems to like this file. 7-zip, gzip on 6.3, and gzip on 4.25 all failed. I’m out of options. Sorry.

As I side note, I’d like to plug 7-zip for when stuck in Windows. It’s free, as in beer and speech, it’s small, it works well, and it has 32- and 64-bit versions. WinRAR is NOT FREE, in either sense, nor is the RAR format. Many archivers, including 7-zip, will extract RARs but not create them because of the licensing issue. I avoid RAR. Zip is fine in most instances, and everyone can open them.

-James Ingraham
Sage Automation, Inc.

Thanks for kwschumm and ingraham’s quick help again!
I’ve changed attchment as the real .z file and just change its extension to rar for .z not supported in forum. When download the attatchment just change its extention back to .z will work.
I also mail other z files to kwschumm but fail (change @ to _ ),error message: SMTP error, RCPT TO: 550 5.7.1 <kwschumm_qsolv.com>… Rejected by cn.blackholes.us

The message to kwschumm_qsolv.com is bounced because : SMTP error, RCPT TO: 550 5.7.1 <kwschumm_qsolv.com>... Rejected by cn.blackholes.us.

Look forward to your help!

Sorry for the mail problem, apparently your ISP is in a black hole and blacklisted by my spam filter. If you PM me with your email address I’ll whitelist you and send the files to that address.

Th zipped files look like all the QNX2 comm + serial protocol stuff and it was probably compressed with pack. I’ll try to unpack it tonight or first thing tomorrow and get it to you. Ah, the memories :slight_smile:

The files were all compressed with the QNX2 pack utility. I’ve unpacked them and emailed you a zip file. Have fun!

Thanks a lot for kwschumm’s kindly help!

You’re welcome, happy to help out.